Welcome to BeHEALTH 2023- Hybrid International Event in Healthcare!
Are you interested in accessing a global health industry environment?
- Do you want to meet successful entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs in health?
- Find out how EU funds made the difference?
- Do you want to make a real impact on healthcare innovation?
Then this event is definitely for you!
The 6th edition of this unique event will bring together companies, organizations, universities, and public entities, which is the perfect environment for international partnerships, resulting in increased health-related economic competitiveness.
BeHEALTH 2023 is an event organized by ROHEALTH – Cluster for Health and Bioeconomy.
ROHEALTH is the only Romanian Health and Bioeconomy cluster with national coverage. The cluster generated and implemented initiatives covering more than 200 M Euro budget for competitiveness and innovation. As a GOLD Label cluster with more than 90 members, Rohealth's expertise today covers a wide range of fields that you will discover as sessions/panels/trainings in the agenda:
- E-Health
- Social Responsibility for Health
- Translational Medicine
- Materials for Health
- MDR and iVD Regulation, challenges for NBs and market operators
- The hospitals from home
- Education for health
- Cancer Mission
- Clusters for Health networking
- Women Entrepreneurship
- Health Policies & Infrastructures
- Bioeconomy for Health
- Training on introductory legislation for MDR and IVDR certification
BeHEALTH brokerage outcome will have a crucial contribution to relevant market opportunities regarding collaboration with partners in the health area.
The BeHEALTH agenda includes, besides the brokerage event, also a start-up and abstract contest and 12 panels for discussions covering the cluster expertise. Check here the Agenda.
*The event receives 12 credits (12 EMC) from the Romanian College of Physicians (CMR).
We aim to create a unique experience for participants by mixing areas of interest such as the importance of internationalization, specific techniques, and policies for entering the foreign market, the role of clusters in the innovation process, access to national and international financing sources, models of best practices in health business and innovation, intellectual property rights and international networking in Health Domain.
- To find out about the latest opportunities and funding related to health and bioeconomy fields. Being there, your idea can be transformed into a real product.
- Meet successful entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs from health and bioeconomy.
- Find out the latest information on the regulatory process.
- Get training on legislation for MDR and IVDR certification.
- To establish business connections and network with key healthcare companies from the international environment.
- To benefit from bilateral individual meetings pre-arranged, according to your project’s specific (if you’re looking for partners, you shouldn’t miss this event!)
- We sponsor the best business idea in the competition "International Startups in Healthcare”
- Use the template available Template to prepare your pitch
- The prizes for the contest are the following:
- 1st Prize: Participation at ”Frontiers Health” event in Rome and online, Nov. 08-10, 2023;
- 2nd Prize: One Mentoring Session in Business + 1 year membership in ROHEALTH Cluster
- 3rd Prize: One Mentoring Session In Business
- Send your pitch by email as an attached file to comunicare@rohealth.ro no later than 20 October 2023.
BEHEATH 2023 abstracts contest sponsored by the Romanian Society of Medical Informatics (RSMI)
- Use the template available TEMPLATE to prepare your abstract.
- In the abstract template, choose a maximum 2 out of 3 prizes to which you want your abstract to be considered:
- 1st Prize: support for publication in Applied Medical Informatics
- 2nd Prize: free participation in two modules on scientific writing (organized by the Romanian Society of Medical Informatics)
- 3rd Prize: free participation in one module on scientific writing (organized by the Romanian Society of Medical Informatics)
- Send your abstract by email as an attached file to RSMI no later than 20 October 2023.
Join our ever-increasing event!

BeHEALTH 2023 includes a brokerage event, therefore your data will be automatically disclosed to other participants accordingly to your profile settings. Your name, position, and company are visible. Your coordinates will be disclosed to another attendeeonly if you agree to exchange the business cards directly.
We ensure that your data (name, telephone, email, occupation) will be safely stored and used exclusively to transmit relevant information for your professional interest such as information regarding this event and other future similar events.
See here for more details about the ROHEALTH GDPR policy.
During BeHEALTH 2023, some captured images may be processed by organizers. Please keep this in mind when displaying your image on the screen.
By registering for this event you agree to the above notice.
BeHEALTH 2023 is an event organized by ROHEALTH – Cluster for Health and Bioeconomy. ROHEALTH generates and sustains initiatives and activities related to health, improvement of health, and bioeconomy. The cluster develops competitiveness and innovation at the national level, it promotes and encourages cooperation between companies, organizations, universities, and public entities resulting in the growth of economic competitiveness in the fields of Health and Bioeconomy.